In order to give your customers access to an Intercharge Direct Product at one of your EVSEs, you will have to create groups of your EVSEs to apply one of your Products to.
EVSE Groups Tab
In the “Intercharge Direct” section, navigate to the EVSE Groups tab in the left hand side panel. In a table format you can see an overview of your EVSE Groups which is sortable for EVSE Group Name and for Date created. In Addition to these, the group's Description, the associated Product as well as the Theme of the EVSE group is displayed.

Create an EVSE Group
To create a group of EVSEs, click on the “Create A New Group” button in the top right corner of the EVSE Groups tab.

This will forward you to a new page, allowing you the specify the Group Details, consisting of the Group Name, a Theme and a Product.
Group Name (mandatory): Give your EVSE group a name, so you can recognize it and differentiate from your other EVSE Groups.
Theme (mandatory): The Theme is the design that will be shown in the EV Driver Web App. This Theme will apply to all EVSE IDs that you have assigned to this EVSE Group.
Product (mandatory): Select a Product for your EVSE Group, which basically applies the Product’s Tariff and it’s PSP set up to all EVSE IDs in this EVSE Group.
Speicify a new Theme or select an already existing Theme to organize your EVSE Groups.
You have the option to add a Description to your EVSE Group

View a Group
To get to the detailed view of an existing EVSE Group, just click on it in the EVSE Groups tab. The detailed view let you inspect your EVSE Group, add EVSEs, remove EVSEs as well as Edit and Delete the respective group.

Add EVSEs to a Group
After creating a EVSE Group you have to add EVSEs to it. For doing so, just click on “Add EVSEs”-button in the detailed view of an EVSE Group.

You are redirected to the “Add EVSE IDs”-page, which is essentially a list of all of your EVSE IDs. In this page you will be able to see only EVSEIDs that has not been assigned to any EVSE Group.
Important: One EVSE ID cannot belong to more than one EVSE Group.

Search fast for the EVSE IDs of interest by applying a filter. Select those you want to add to your EVSE Group and confirm your selection by clicking on the “Add”-button.

Remove EVSEs from a Group
Similar to the addition of EVSEs to a Group, you can also remove them from your Group. Click on the “Remove EVSEs”-button in the detailed EVSE Groups view of the respective Group you want them to remove from.

You’ll get redirected to the “Remove EVSE IDs”-page. Select all the IDs of the EVSEs you want to remove and confirm by clicking on the “Remove”-button.

Edit a Group
To Edit the Group Details of an existing EVSE Group, click on the “Edit”-button in the detailed view of a EVSE Group.

You are getting redirected to a page where you can update the Group Name, the Theme of the group, change the Product and the Description. Apply your changes by clicking on the “Update Group”-button.
Delete a Group
To Delete an EVSE Group, just click on the “Delete”-button in the detailed view of the respective Group and Confirm.
Please note that deleting an EVSE Group will deactivate the ICD functionality to all EVSE IDs added to this group!

Confirm deleting the EVSE Group by clicking on “Confirm” in the pop up window.

Please note, that you can not delete a group that contains EVSE IDs. Please make sure to remove all the EVSEs from your EVSE Group in order to be able to delete it.