Products in Intercharge DIRECT terms are combinations of one of your previously created Tariffs and PSP Account. Products can then be applied to a certain group of your EVSEs, making them accessible to your end customers.
Products let you specify a threshold that is consumed at minimum during the charging session at your EVSEs in terms of Time and/or kWh. Furthermore, you can set a price range in which the end customer’s expenses must be.
Additionally, it is possible to create a Time Plan for your Product. Time plans will allow you to create a schedule of Tariffs, i.e. to put different tariffs on different days, as well on different times of those particular days.
Products Tab
In the intercharge DIRECT section of the HBS portal, navigate to the Products tab, by clicking on it in the left hand side panel. It provides you with an overview of your designed Products in a table format. For example, the associated Tariff and the EVSE Groups for each Product is displayed.
Create a Product
To create a new Product click on the Create a New Product-button in the upper right hand side of the Products tab. You will be redirected to a new page. Please follow the three step procedure.
1. Enter Product Info
First, please give your Product a Name (mandatory). You can also add a Description (optional) for organizational needs. Click on “Next” to forward to step two.
2. Enter Product Details
Enter the Product Details in a second step.
Select Tariff (mandatory): Select one of your Tariffs. Tariffs can be defined by yourself in the Tariffs tab of the “Intercharge Direct” section of the HBS Portal.
In case you are planning to configure TimePlans, please keep in mind that the tariff set up in this field, will act as a regular price. All charging sessions happening outside any TimePlan and/or TimeSlot will be calculated using this tariff as Regular Tariff.
Select PSP Account (mandatory): Select one of your PSP Accounts. PSP Accounts can be defined by yourself in the PSP tab of the “Intercharge Direct” section of the HBS Portal.
Charging Validity (minutes) (optional): Add a minimum session duration in minutes to your Product. Please note, that a charging session is a duration in which the electric vehicle is successfully connected to a charge point (charging or plugged in). Only a valid charging session can be charged to the end customer.
Charging Validity (kWh) (optional): Add a minimum energy consumption in kWh to your Product. Please note, that a charging session is a duration in which the electric vehicle is successfully connected to a charge point (charging or plugged in). Only a valid charging session can be charged to the end customer.
Maximum Amount (mandatory): The maximum amount that the end user can pay for the charging session. This is also the amount to be reserved in the payment method the user chooses. Please note that the currency is taken from the selected tariff.
In the case that the charging sessions total value surpasses the Maximum Amount, only the Maximum Amount will be charged to the EV Driver.
Minimum Amount (optional): The minimum amount that the end user must pay for a valid charging session. Please note that the currency is taken from the selected tariff.
VAT % of Maximum Amount (mandatory): VAT of the Maximum Amount value as a percentage.
3. Create a Time Plan (optional)
Create a Time Plan for your Product, allowing to use more than one Tariff (or switching between different Tariffs) on the basis of a weekly repeated schedule. To create a Timeplan, click on “Add Time Plan”.
A container pops up, letting you define a Plan Name (mandatory).
Then choose the day(s) you want to have a Time Plan for (e.g. Sa, So)
Define Time Slots, represented by a certain period of time and a Tariff:
From (mandatory): Starting time of the Time Slot (hh:mm).
To (mandatory): Stopping time of the Time Slot (hh:mm).
Tariff (mandatory): The Tariff will overwrite the Regular Tariff (which you have defined in Step 2 of creating a Product) for that particular Time Slot at every day that is selected for the Time Plan.
You can define more than one Time Slot for each Time Plan. Remember that Time Slots can not overlap each other.
It is possible to define more than one Time Plan for each Product. However, it is not possible to use a day, that is already selected in one Time Plan, for another Time Plan.
Discard a Time Plan from a Product by clicking on “Delete”.
Complete the Product creation process by clicking on “Publish”.
View a Product
To see the details of a certain Product, just click on it in the Products tab. You are getting redirected to the Products View. Here you can see the Product Details, associated EVSE Groups and Time Plans.
Edit Product
To edit a Product, please click on the “Edit”-button in the detailed view of the respective Product you want to edit.
You are redirected into the edit mode, where you can adjust the Product Info, Product Details and update the Time Plans.
After applying the changes, click on “Publish” to update the Product.
Delete Product
To delete a Product, please click on the “Delete”-button in the detailed view of the respective Product you want to delete.
Confirm by clicking on “Confirm” in the pop up window.
Please be aware, that in case the Product is being used by a certain EVSE Group, the “Delete”-button is disabled. You will have to remove the Product from that EVSE Group, in order to delete it.