Tariffs let you define pricing and usage terms for EVSEs. Apply a tariff to a group of your EVSEs in order to make your Intercharge Direct Product available for end customers.
Tariffs Section
In the “Intercharge Direct” view of the HBS portal, navigate to the Tariffs section by selecting “Tariffs” in the left-hand side panel. It provides you with an overview of all the Tariffs you have already created in a table format, as well as the option to organize them, i.e. sorting by name or creation date.

Create a Tariff
To create a Tariff, simply press the “Create A New Tariff” button in the top right corner of the Tariffs tab. You will be redirected to a new page where you are guided through a two-step procedure of tariff creation.
1. Enter Tariff Details
First, enter the Tariff Details, like the Tariff Name (mandatory) and Currency (mandatory). You have the option to also add a Description (optional).

2. Add a Price Component
In the second step, you can add up to three Price Components. Choose at least one out of Charging, Session Start, and Parking to complete your tariff.
Charging: Used for calculating the price of a charging session taken by an EV Driver at an EVSE the corresponding Tariff is applied on, i.e. for defining a price for a certain reference unit, which can be either kWh or Minute.
Reference Unit (mandatory): In Terms of Charging you can choose between kWh or Minute, which will be used as a reference to calculate the resulting total price.
For Charging based on kWh the consumed energy value is taken from the CDR and gets multiplied by the Price Per Unit to calculate the total cost of the charging session.
For charging based on Minutes the difference in minutes between the ChargingEnd and ChargingStart of the CDR is taken into consideration to make the cost calculation.
Price Per Unit (mandatory): Please note that this is the price that will be shown to the EV Driver. Therefore, the value must include VAT already.
VAT (mandatory): This value should represent the VAT of the service depending on the country. Please note that this is not used for calculations other than to display the proper price to the EV Driver in the receipt!

Session Start: Selecting Session Start will let you charge a fee for the started charging process of an EV Driver.
Start Fee (mandatory): The total price charged to the EV Driver including VAT.
VAT (mandatory): This value should represent the VAT of the service depending on the country. Please note that this is not used for calculations other than to display the proper price to the EV Driver in the receipt!
- Parking: A fee for parking at your EVSE is charged to the EV Driver. The calculation is based on the total time the EV is connected to the charge point, i.e. the difference in minutes between the values for SessionEnd and SessionStart of the CDR.
Reference Unit (mandatory): Please select Minutes.
Price Per Unit (mandatory): Please note that this is the price that will be shown to the EV Driver. Therefore, the value must include VAT already.
VAT (mandatory): This value should represent the VAT of the service depending on the country. Please note that this is not used for calculations other than to display the proper price to the EV Driver in the receipt!

Afterward, click on the “Create Tariff” button to confirm your Tariff.
View a Tariff
To get to a detailed view of your Tariffs, simply click on the one of interest in the Tariffs tab. It will reveal all the details, you have specified your Tariffs with.

Edit a Tariff
To edit a Tariff, just click on the “Edit-button in the detailed Tariff View.

When editing a tariff you will be able to adjust the Tariff Details like Tariff Name, Currency, and Description. You can also edit or delete existing Price Components, as well as add new Price components.

Click on “Update Tariff” to publish your changes.
Delete a Tariff
To delete a Tariff, please click on the “Delete”-button in the detailed Tariff View.

A pop-up window appears. Click on “Confirm” to delete the Tariff.

Please note, it is not possible to delete a Tariff, which is currently used by a certain Product. Remove the Tariff from the Product first. Afterward, you will be able to delete the Tariff as intended.