To cancel a subscription, go to the Business Contracts application and open the tab Active subscriptions. Click on the offer that you want unsubscribe from.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you unsubscribe from an offer, you cannot resubscribe to that same offer.
In the detailed subscription view click the Unsubscribe button in the upper right corner.
A window with the option to cancel your subscription pops up. Next possible cancellation date shows you the earliest possible date for termination in line with the minimum term for this offer. Custom date enables you to select another date, further in the future. Select your requested date of cancellation and click Confirm.
In the Active subscriptions tab you will see that the particular service has been cancelled successfully. Every cancelled service remains in this table. You can see the status Cancelled and the Deactivation Date (when the offer becomes inactive).
Note: When your partner cancels an offer to which you have subscribed, the offer is also marked as cancelled.
The next article provides you with information about how to export subscriptions.