Here at Hubject, CPOs can make two types of offers, OfferToAll (to all EMPs) and bilateral offers (offers directed at a selected partner). Service offers are used to create contractual relationships between partners. They can define the details of a charging operation such as the Price. You will find all offers in the Business Contracts section of the HBS under Service Offers/Drafts.
All CPOs at Hubject offer their charging points for roaming to all EMP partners that wish to subscribe - this standard offer is called 'OfferToAll' and any EMP is free to subscribe to this offer. It is mandatory for all CPOs to publish an OfferToAll.
Please make only one OfferToAll for a certain timeline.
Bilateral Offer
As a CPO, you can also contact the EMP to negotiate a bilateral offer with any EMP on the platform. Please reach out to the EMP directly to negotiate a bilateral offer and create one that suits your needs.
Please note that offers on QA may or may not be active, since not all partners actively use the Hubject QA environment once they complete their onboarding. Hubject's offers will remain active for testing purposes.
Read more about the different pricing models in the HBS next.