Click on Sub-Partner Management in the Administration section of the eRoaming portal to get started.
Here you can view existing sub-partners, deactivate obsolete sub-partners, export your sub-partners as well as request new sub-partners. Sub-partners do not have access to the portal or can publish offers.
What are possible use cases for sub-partners?
As a CPO, you may want to request a sub-partner to differentiate between different locations (e.g. inner-city, highway) or different brands. Sub-partners always have their own external ID and sub-partner EVSEs will be easy to differentiate from hub-partner EVSEs in HBS.
Warning: CPOs cannot publish separate offers for their different sub-partners, because every (hub- and sub-partner) EVSE is always included in every offer published by a CPO.
How to request a new sub-partner
1. If you would like to request a sub-partner for one of the following countries, please request the sub-partner ID and name from the relevant registration authority before adding them to the portal:
- Austria:
- BeNeLux: Benelux-idro
- France: AFIREV
- Germany: BDEW
- Greece: Electrokinisi
- United Kingdom: EV | ROAM
- Poland: EIPA
- Portugal: Mobi.E
- Slovenia: NCUP
- Spain: Ministry of Ecological Transition
2. Click on + Add Sub-Partner to add a new sub-partner to your account and fill in the mandatory fields:
3. Click on Add Sub-Partner to submit your request for sub-partner approval
4. Our Business Operations team will check if the sub-partner ID is available and, if applicable, registered. The requests are reviewed on a regular basis - please reach out to support if you would like to accelerate the review process.
- They will approve the request if the ID is available (and registered with the respective authorities)
- They will reach out to you if the ID cannot be approved because e.g.
- it is occupied
- it is not registered in countries with a national registration authority
- it does not follow the format of the hub nomenclature - e.g. DE*ICE can only request sub-partners with an asterisk (e.g. NL*ICE) but not with a hyphen (DE-ICE) or without a separator (DEICE)