During the QA phase, you will implement the Web Services outlined in the OICP documentation and test your implementation for bugs.
Once your IP addresses have been whitelisted and the certificate has been signed, you will receive a ticket from your onboarding manager with the following points:
- Your signed Partner Certificate
- If you are using an internal firewall, the necessary Hubject IP addresses
- If you are using them for communication from HBS to your backend, the Hubject certificates
The credentials and the initial password are emailed to you automatically by the HBS.
You can reach the QA HBS portal at: https://portal-qa.hubject.com/
Please log in to the HBS QA portal with your user name and initial password
As soon as you have logged in successfully, you will be prompted to change your initial password to a personal password of your choosing. Once you have chosen your personal password, all necessary prerequisites are in place for the implementation.
A contract with our Virtual Charging Point CPO DE*ICE was concluded in order to test your EMP functions. Your contact details and billing address have been added to the system. Please check that they are correct.
QA checklist
1. Please get in touch with your Onboarding manager via onboarding@hubject.com to receive a Live Demonstration of the Portal.
2. Review the OpenAPI specification
3. Create more administrator users if needed
4. Adjust the Service Type Settings to reflect your endpoints
5. Manage your certificates (if you are not using Hubject certificates)
6. Implement the web services and fill in the Web Services Checklist
7. Questions? Collect all your questions and schedule an implementation meeting (optional)
8. Prepare the End-to-End test and send your filled-in protocol to onboarding@hubject.com
9. Conduct the End-to-End test with your Tech Onboarding Manager
Once the End-to-End test has been conducted successfully, you are ready to move to the PROD phase.