Upon onboarding, you will be prompted to set up CDR Validation Rules via the Onboarding Checklist. You will be informed that setting up these rules is optional and not required for running Financial Services. If you choose to set up, there can only be 1 unique CDR validation rules configuration, with the possibility of editing.
Setting up CDR Validation Rules
If you are interested in setting up CDR Validation Rules, you will be able to access the CDR Validation Rules Setup from the Settings of Financial Services. At first setup, there are no rules applied. To start the first setup of the rules, you can click on the Edit button.
Here you can set up the rules of 2 types (Session Duration and Energy Consumption), and also choose which CDRs should be affected by the setup/edit of the rules. You will also be prompted with some information on each section to guide the setup.
CDR validation rules are optional. After adding rule types and selecting which CDRs to affect (default is incoming CDRs), you can either Cancel or Update Details.
You will be notified that the setup was successful, and you can view your CDR Validation Rules, or access the editing view, by going to Settings - CDR Rules.
Rule Type: Session Duration
CDR validation rules are optional settings that allow you to set thresholds to determine the minimum and maximum session duration which CDRs should be included in invoices. Here you will also be prompted with some information on the setup. The duration will be formatted as HH:MM:SS. You can select this within the standard time format constraints via the dropdown. You have the option to clear your selection, or proceed to apply the selection. This works the same way for Min and Max duration.
You can also decide to only either specify a Min or only a Max duration. No Max or Min threshold is mandatory, however the format must be correct. Once the rule is finalized and applied, the affected CDRs (as determined by you in the setup) whose respective session duration field in the CDR does not fall within the Min and Max boundaries specified by the rule, will not be sent for invoicing and their CDR status will be set to CDR RULES.
For more information about the CDR Statuses and what CDRs are affected by Re-rating please visit the following link.
Rule Type: Energy Consumption
CDR validation rules are optional settings that allow you to set thresholds to determine the minimum and maximum energy consumption in kWh, which CDRs should be included/excluded in invoices. Here you will also be prompted with some information on the setup. The kWh has to be formatted as Decimal 0,3. You can make changes by deleting and re-adding the number amounts manually in the boxes.
You can also decide to only either specify a Min or Max kWh amount. Once the rule is finalized and applied, the affected CDRs (as determined in the setup) whose amount in kWh in the respective energy consumption field in the CDR does not fall within the Min and Max boundaries specified by the rule ,will not be sent for invoicing and their CDR status will be set to CDR RULES.
CDRs Affected by Validation Rules
As a default, the CDR Rules will be empty, meaning ALL CDRs will be included in the invoicing process in disregard of their session duration or energy consumption.
In this section, you can select which CDRs should be affected through this setup/edit of the validation rules by clicking on one of the radio buttons of the options. You are also prompted with some information on which CDRs would be affected by the validation rules.
You can decide which CDRs are to be affected or recalculated (RE-RATED) by the changes saved on the CDR rules:
A: Only new incoming CDRS, meaning all the CDRs that are pushed starting from the date that the CDR Rules have been updated. The new incoming CDRs will be affected starting from current time of starting setup/edit of the validation rules; this specific start time is shown to you in this view.
B: All CDRs eligible to be re-rated. Incoming and existing CDRs of certain statuses will be affected with this selection. You will be informed here that with this option, a re-rating process will take place on existing CDRs of certain statuses.
In the case of CDR Validation Rules updates, once the changes are applied by clicking on the Update Details button, you will be informed that by doing so they are confirming also a re-rating of affected CDRs where required by the rating system.
A breakdown of all CDR Status types that might undergo a re-rating is shown to you in this window. Once informed, the user can choose to cancel or confirm. By clicking on “Yes, confirm” the CDR Validation Rules are set up/updated, and a re-rating process of CDRs will take place where required by the system.
The re-rating of these CDRs when there are new validation rules setup can potentially affect their CDR status (there may be CDRs that met the validation rules before, and even already assigned to draft invoices, that do not meet the rules after the change). Any such status changes will be automatically considered and reflected accordingly in the standard process of recalculating draft invoices (at the moment of posting), in order for the draft invoices to reflect the most recent CDR list and total price when sent to EMPs.
In this case, when approving the invoice you will be informed that the invoice has changed due to updates on the settings, and the invoice will be recalculated automatically.
The invoice with the updated CDR list and eventually new price will now again be available for approval and can be finally approved and sent to EMP.