In accordance with VDE-AR, the following TLS-protected web-based repositories (except for OSCP and CRL) must be maintained to provide online access via a standard interface to certificates and related data for the participants of the PKI:
The Root Certificate Pool RCP:
The Root Certificate Pool securely stores V2G-, OEM- and MO Root CA certificates participating in the PKI. Hubject GmbH verifies the authenticity of the root certificate owner before sending a request to the Root Certificate Root responsible (See Chaper Authentication of organization identity in the Certificate Policy). Before storing and publishing the root certificates, the following must be checked, and the test results documented and archived:
Fingerprint: The fingerprint must have been authentically obtained via second channel from the corresponding root CA and must correspond to the fingerprint of the certificate. The fingerprints of these Root CA certificates will be published on the Hubject GmbH webpage:
Validity: The Root certificate must be valid for at least 35 years, which implies that Hubject can use the V2G Root CA for 35 years to issue underlying certificates. A V2G Root CA is always valid for 40 Years.
Revocation: The status of the Root certificate shall be confirmed by the owner of the root certificate company.
Cryptographic algorithm: The algorithms used must comply with the ISO 15118 specification. Especially the Certificate Profiles
(Annex F [normative] Certificate profile) must be obeyed.
Requirements of ISO 15118: The certificate structure must comply with the specification in ISO 15118.
Certificate Policy:
A released, productive and published CP of the issuing root CA must be available.
The requirements in the CP must guarantee comparable to the CP of the Hubject ISO 15118 V2G PKI
It must be formally confirmed (by Hubject GmbH or a trusted third party) that the compliance of all requirements has been regulated by a Certificate Practice Statement.
Restrictions in access: Write access to the RCP is restricted to certain employees and IT systems of Hubject GmbH and requires authentication.
All activities at the RCP must be documented and archived.
The same conditions apply for the admission of new/further root certificates as for the initial admission.
Naming an usage requirements Root certificates that issue subordinate certificates in the respective PKI for test or quality assurance purposes will not be added to the RCP. Successor certificates, i.e. root certificates with the same CN, are neither. Information about the addition of new/further root certificates will be published within a commercially reasonable time (e.g. via Hubject TLS secured website)
Random quality checks will be carried out to determine whether a status has changed to a root certificate.
Adding and removing a root certificate to and from the repository are governed by at least a two-man-rule.
A notification channel will be offered which shows changes in the content of the repository and which other subscribers can subscribe to.
The OEM Provisioning Certificate Pool PCP:
The PCP securely stores the OEM provisioning certificate that is installed individually in each EV an OEM produces. Furthermore, the OEM Provisioning Certificate Pool stores the OEM Sub1-CA certificate and the OEM Sub2-CA certificate to allow signature verification along the OEM certificate chain. All certificates are stored together with the unique OEM provisioning certificate ID (PCID) that is also written in the subject’s common name field of the OEM provisioning certificate.
The Contract Certificate Pool CCP:
The Contract Certificate Pool securely stores pre-compiled contractData which have been signed by the provisioning certificates as described by VDE_AR and provided by a certificate provisioning service CPS. This data are ready to send in life time as certificateInstallationResponse message to the OEM or CPO.