In the following table, you can find the different status codes you might receive when sending ChargeDetailRecord requests and indications on how to solve the issue.
Request Type | Status Code | Description | How to solve it |
ChargeDetailRecord | 017 |
Unauthorized Access |
The status code 017 is returned when you are using a wrong certificate or a certificate that has already expired.
If the problem persists, please contact the Hubject Support Team. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 018 |
The EvseID included in the CDR does not match the OperatorID of the registered CPO or a sub-partner. For example, the CDR includes the EvseID DEXZYE00019 but the registered sub-partner contains the OperatorID DE*XZY. This would lead to an inconsistency. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 022 |
Please check the ConsumedEnergy value
You might see this error when when consumption is greater than 1000 kWh. This consumption would be considered as unusual and the consumption may be provided in watts and not kWh. You would need to resend the CDR with the correct consumption in kWh. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 022 |
Please check if ChargingStart
The timestamp in ChargingEnd is before ChargingStart. You should include the correct timestamp in both parameters. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 022 |
Session timestamp of the CDR is in the future
SessionEnd is in the future. This occurs because the timestamp is later than the timestamp when the CDR is sent. Please resend the CDR. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 022 |
The provided consumed energy can’t be less than 0.
If MeverValueStart and MeterValueEnd are provided, the difference between the two cannot be less than 0. Please resend the CDR with the correct values. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 022 |
The provided consumed energy can’t be less than 0.
It is not possible to include a negative value for consumption. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 022 |
Data Inconsistency found: When an EvseID has a
If CalibrationLawDataAvailability is set to External in the EvseData the CDR must include the values in the SignedMeteringValues parameter. You must include the values or change CalibrationLawDataAvailabilityType to Local or Not Available if applicable to this charging station. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 022 |
Please check if SessionStart
The timestamp included in the SessionStart parameter must always be before SessionEnd. Please resend the CDR with the correct timestamp. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 300 |
Partner not found
This status code is returned because the OperatorID provided in the URL or request is not correct. Please ensure that the OperatorID included in the URL or in the body of the request matches with your OperatorID. If the issue persists, please contact the Hubject Support Team. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 400 |
Session found but status is not valid TIMED_OUT!
The CDR has not been submitted within 90 days of the AuthorizeStart or AuthorizeRemoteStart request and the session has been automatically closed by the HBS platform. You can find the EMP's contact details in the Business Contract section of the portal. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 400 |
Session found but status is not valid CLOSED!
A CDR has been previously sent successfully so it is not possible to resend the CDR. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 400 |
Session operator (DE*ZYE) and
The value included in the Hub-OperatorID parameter does not match the OperatorID. You should not include the OperatorID of Sub-partners in this parameter. The Hub-OperatorID must match the OperatorID of your CPO account. |
ChargeDetailRecord | 400 |
Session is not valid
There is no successful AuthorizeStart or AuthorizeRemtoeStart request associated with the CDR. It is not possible to send the CDR if the AuthorizeStart or AuthorizeRemoteStart requests do not have a code 000 - Success. |