All subscribed service offers can be cancelled within the framework set out in the cancellation terms. In the Business Contracts app go to the Service offers tab and click on the offer you want to cancel. In the detailed offer view click on the Cancel button in the upper right corner.
As a result, a pop up window opens. You can choose if you want to cancel the service offer to the next possible cancellation date or to a custom date.
After that click on Confirm.
In the column Status of the Service offers tab you can see which offers have been cancelled. For cancelled offers the status is Cancelled and is marked in red.
Important note
If you are cancelling a service offer and want to ensure that EMPs can subscribe to a new offer that you publish as soon as the cancellation period ends, please keep to the following order:
1. Cancel the old offer
2. Publish the new offer
If you do not use this order, then EMPs will only be able to subscribe to the new offer at the end of the original validity period of the old offer, not at the end of the cancellation period, as the cancellation has not occurred yet.
The next article provides you with information about how to export your service offers.