Service offers are used to create contractual relationships between partners. They can define the details of a charging operation such as the price. There are three sections in the Business Contract application: Service offers, Drafts and EVSE networks.
Service offers
The first section gives you an overview of all the services you offer. You can sort your Service offers by status, service type and starting/expiration date. Furthermore, there are options for filtering and for adjusting the amount of columns you actually want to see in the table.
The Create new offer button allows you to create a new service offer. For further information, refer to one of our next articles, describing how to create a service offer with Next Generation Pricing (NGP), Standard, Product or Dynamic pricing. All prices in these business contracts are B2B prices and should be communicated without VAT. Please specify whether you invoice the prices with or without VAT, as tax regulations may differ between different countries.
Click on any offer to access the detail view for this offer. The detailed service offer view gives you the option to copy and to cancel the particular service offer as well as view its subscribers.
The second section provides an overview of all your saved service offer drafts.
By clicking on a saved draft in the table, the offer is opened in edit mode. You can update the draft or publish the updated service offer directly.
To delete a draft, just click on the Delete draft button that appears while hovering over that specific draft.
EVSE networks
The third section gives you an overview of all your active EVSE networks in your NGP offers. You may sort the EVSE networks, adjust your columns as well as Add EVSE networks from this view. Click on the network to view the linked offer and edit the network (until it is actively linked to a service offer).