Use the process monitor effectively with this overview. This article describe different sections of the process monitor. You will also find related articles if you wish to know more about each topic.
For each of the sections, you may Export the information by clicking on the button in the top right corner of the screen. Adjust the columns you view by clicking the three dots below the Export button and select the desired columns from the drop-down.
For each of the sections, you may filter your results by clicking on Add filters in the top left of the table (to the right of the menu bar) and selecting the desired filters from the drop-down. You may apply one or multiple filters.
Every charging session is displayed in Sessions. Detailed information is shown to track errors or test functionality. It gives a summary overview over all session-related processes.
Use the tab dedicated to each type of request in the Authorization section (e.g. AuthorizeRemoteStart) to check the details of a charging session instead of this view.
The Authorization section allows you to access the data stored related to your charging sessions. You will find all relevant authorization requests.
Authorization requests sent via RFID card or Plug&Charge
Use the tabs AuthorizeStart and AuthorizeStop to display every authorization that has been requested via either RFID card or Plug&Charge.
You can check if the request has been Authorized or Not Authorized.
Authorization requests sent via your EMP app
The tabs AuthorizeRemoteStart and AuthorizeRemoteStop display every authorization that has been initialised remotely (such as an authorization by EMP app or QR code).
ChargeDetailRecords (CDRs)
Displays the Charge Detail Records (CDR) that have been sent to Hubject after every charging session.
Consumption in kWh, Session Start and Session End are details that can be found here. You can check if the CDR was succesfully stored in Hubject by the CPO and forwarded to the EMP.
Export the CDRs as CSV or Excel format. Please note that there is a 1000 row limit for exports. You may need to filter it into smaller chunks (e.g. by week).
Get charge detail record
The GetChargeDetailRecord request allows EMPs to download CDRs via API that have been sent to Hubject by partner CPOs. These requests are shown in this tab.
Authentication Data (only for special use cases)
Offline EMPs can upload the authentication data to the HBS sending a PushAuthenticationData request. These transactions will be displayed in this view. Most EMPs are online and will not see any data in this view.
Click on filters to display specific requests. For example, you can use the ActionType filter to display only fullLoad requests.
Number of Records indicates the amount of authentication data records downloaded from Hubject.
Check the status to know if the data was uploaded correctly. You will find the status codes in our OICP documentation.
EVSE Data & Status
This section displays the static information and the status of the charging stations. The CPO uploads this information, and an EMP partner can receive it from Hubject.
As EMP you can display EvseDataPull and EvseStatusPull requests. The status of these requests can be also checked in this section.
You may also pull the status for specific operators only.
Additionally, you also have the option to view EVSEstatus requests by ID.
Transactions to request a reservation of a charging point and the end of a reservation are displayed here.
Pricing products & EVSE pricing (optional, only for Flexible/Dynamic pricing)
This section contains your PullPricingProduct and PullEVSEpricing calls if you use the Flexible/dynamic pricing model. We recommend using Next Generation Pricing for improved functionalities.
Charging notification
This section displays the Charging notifications you receive, you may use it to view if the notification was received successfully and troubleshoot any errors you may encounter.