The NationalCalibrationLawConformity field is a new field in the OICP 2.3 protocol. This field indicates if the EVSEID is able to provide data that conforms to the calibration legislation of the country where the EVSEID is located.
As EMP, what is the process to receive this new field from the HBS?
This feature is only available for EMPs who are using OICP 2.3 and have activated the National Calibration Law service from their account in the Hubject portal. Once this service is active, the field NationalCalibrationLawConformity will be present in the PullEVSEDataRecordType at the moment of doing and PullEVSEData:
This field is a Boolean, meaning that it only accepts “true” or “false” as its value.
Important for the EMP: This field is optional. In case the CPO does not provide this information, the EMP will not receive any value from it.