As an EMP, you can find detailed information on all the rated CDRs in the CDR Control Center.
Please note that you are only able to see successfully rated CDRs.
The CDR table contains the following information:
Session ID
Operator ID
EV User ID (UID or EVCO ID, depending on whether the session was RFID or Remote)
Session Start
Session Duration
Energy Consumed - kWh
Product ID
Charge Without Tax
Sum Taxes
Total Price
CDR Rating Status
CDR Rating Reason
Rating Update Time
You may add filters by clicking the funnel on the top left of the table - all values except for Session Duration may be added as a filter.
To export the CDR table, please click the EXPORT button on the top right corner of this page. The export respects the current filtering of the table. The data will be exported as a .csv file.