The EVSE-Leaf-Certificates keys and attributes must be used according to the appropriate certificate usage specified in the certificate profiles. Especially the Common Name (CN) of the Subject must be the SECC-ID of the Charge point.
The SECC-ID needs to follow the syntax of ISO 15118-20. SECCID shall be an alphanumeric string with a length of minimum 39 and maximum 64 characters (i.e. A..Z, a..z, 0..9), including an optional check digit at the end.
<SECCID> = <Country Code> <S> <EVSE Operator ID> <S> <ID Type> <S> <ControllerID> <S> <Check Digit>
<Country Code> = 2 ALPHA; two-character country code according to ISO 3166-1 (Alpha-2-Code)
<EVSE Operator ID> = 3 (ALPHA / DIGIT); three alphanumeric characters, referring to the EVSE Operator
<ID Type> = “S”; one character “S” indicating that this ID represents a reference to a “Supply Equipment”
<ControllerID> = Minimum 32 (ALPHA / DIGIT) Maximum 248 (ALPHA / DIGIT) ; Alphanumeric characters referring to the specific communication controller
<Check Digit> = *1 (ALPHA / DIGIT); Used to verify valid SECCID ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A; according to IETF RFC 5234 (7-Bit ASCII), case-insensitive (IETF RFC 7405) DIGIT = %x30-39; according to IETF RFC 5234 (7-Bit ASCII)
<S> = *1 ( “-” ); optional separator, but advised not to use it between IT systems and only for visibility purposes