As defined in IETF RFC 5234 and IETF RFC, the EVCCID shall match the following structure:
<EVCCID> = <WMI> <S> <ID Type> <S> <OEM's own unique ID> <S> <check digit>
Three alphanumeric characters for the World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) code, as per ISO 3780
<ID Type> = “V”
One character “V” indicating that this ID represents a reference to an EVCCID
<OEM's own unique ID> = Minimum 15 (ALPHA / DIGIT) , Maximum 250 (ALPHA / DIGIT
OEM's own unique ID for clearly identifying a single vehicle made by the manufacturer
<Check Digit> = *1 (ALPHA / DIGIT)
Used to verify valid EVCCID, see sub-clause C.6 for its computation ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A., According to IETF RFC 5234 (7-Bit ASCII), case-insensitive (IETF RFC 7405)
DIGIT = %x30-39
<S> = *1 ( “-”)
According to IETF RFC 5234 (7-Bit ASCII)