This article describes the Quality as a Service (QaaS) part of the Hubject portal as a CPO.
EVSE Data Score
On the right side, you can see the key points that the EVSE data score rating was based on, such as the number of charging points your CPO has pushed to the platform as well as the last rating date. Ratings are executed on a monthly basis and represent a snapshot of the data in the platform at that date. Changes executed after this date will be taken into account in next month's rating if the changes are still present by that time.
There are three sections on the landing page that together make up your EVSE data score as a CPO:
Overall EVSE Data Score
This overall score is the average score between the Correctness and the Completeness score for your EVSE data. The graph also indicates the Hubject CPO average.
Correctness Score
Your correctness score indicates the internal consistency of your data - e.g. does the ZIP code you indicate match the street address?
Completeness Score
The completeness score indicates how many optional fields you have completed in your EVSEdata. Find all fields on Github.
This section gives you an overview of your authorization performance on Hubject, indicating how fast your system processes RemoteStart requests.
Your response time is indicated in the bottom with a color indicator to measure your performance against the average CPO response time on Hubject.
The CDR section indicates the data quality and accuracy of your charge detail records as well as the CDR upload time once the charging session has been concluded.
Your CDR upload time is indicated in the bottom with a color indicator to measure your performance against the average CPO response time on Hubject.